Non-Member Research Options
Search Options for Non-Members
The Rocktown History master database is free to everyone. Non-members can use this database to perform simple searches for persons of interest to see which types of records may be available (birth records, marriage records, obituaries, etc.). Detailed records are accessible with a Rocktown History membership, which start at $30. Click here to join now.
Search Tips
Be patient. Our databases are large and may require a few moments to load.
Begin by using the surname search to find a list of people whose names include the one you have entered. Example: if your search is “Smith” the results will include Goldsmith, Messersmith, and Smith.
​Next, use the full name search to locate a specific individual—be careful to follow the format rules [Last Name, space, First Name]. Try entering only the first letter of the first name to expand your search results.
To search the Rocktown History Collections (photos, archives, objects, and library catalog), click here.