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Rocktown History Cemetery Report For
Child Rader
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Cemetery Name:
Byrd Family Cemetery
Grave Location:
Section Plot Row Grave
Cemetery Type:
Tombstone Note:
In 1967 Mr. Swank notes "a Rader Child is also said to be buried here."
Cemetery Location:
38° 25′ 24.0″ N
79° 02′ 00.0″ W
Source Date Remarks :
Byrd Family Cemetery.
Cemetery Notes
On Zimmerman property. Stones in poor condition and covered with brush and dirt, Jan 2002. In 2012 only two marked stones were found. In 1967 Mr. Swank wrote: "All stones but one have initials only and have been identified by name from records in County Clerks office. Deed Book No. 23, page 320. 1-15-1857. David Byrd and wife Elizabeth and Joseph Byrd and wife Mary sell their interest in farm on Beaver Creek of 103-1/2 a. to Lewis Byrd. Deed Book No. 9, page 81. 8-24-1849. Lewis Byrd to Samuel Henry land formerly owned by Peter Byrd, Sr. and wife Hannah. Deed Book No. 3, page 341. 11-23-1816. Abraham Whitmore to Peter Byrd, 50 a. on Beaver Creek land granted to Aaron Oliver and by him to Jeremiah Oliver, by Jeremiah to Jonathan Shipman, by Shipman to Whitmore. There were other deeds. Later the land was transferred to the Cromers, the Cromers to Myers, the Myers heirs to John Zimmerman (Rudolph Myers married Eveline Cromer)."
2023 Rocktown History. For personal use only.
Ottobine, Rockingham County, Virginia. Five 1/2 miles west of Dayton on Rt. 257. Near intersection of Rt. 257 (Ottobine Rd) and first entrance to Rt. 775 (Judge Paul Rd). About one quarter mile South of intersection, across two fields, on the hill just in the woods/brush at the edg of the field.
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